Capela dos Santos Reis - BUEU
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In the middle of the eleventh century , the decision to rebuild the old chapel is taken , entrusting the sketches of it to the painter Urbano Lugris . Its current location is not exactly the same as it was formerly . The works are finished in 1953 , an act which is blessed and open to the public . stands inside a wooden carving representing the three Magi a wooden altarpiece three tents containing five paintings Urban Lugrís , great in the central tent arranged vertically one two on each side tents.

It is a small chapel quadrangular and hipped roof . On the main facade , an arc of half point stands as a porch topped by a crismón reeled with a cross in the center. This arch is decorated with marine motifs , highlighting the scallop shell in the key, and on each side of it , complete the decoration : a sailboat , an anchor admiralty Esilo , a fish, a seagull , a rose of the winds and a whale .

On both sides of the entrance, two altars host the stone figures of the Virgin and St. Joseph .

In the two laterais walls are a total of four buttresses , which sometimes made altars . In each figure is one gospeller .

Para Lugrís, la capilla en si misma representa el altar, y el recinto o iglesia es el contorno, la naturaleza, el valle de Bueu al fondo y las impresionantes vistas sobre la ría. Debido a esto, es un templo singular, pero, además hay que resaltar que solo existen dos templos dedicados a los Reyes Magos, uno en la Catedral de Colonia (Alemania) y otro en la Capilla de los Santos Reyes en Bueu.
